Other Joint Implants 

Shoulder  Joint implants

Shoulder Specification

ASTM F1378: Standard Specification for Shoulder Prostheses.

Shoulder Glenoid Shear
ASTM F 1829: Standard Standard Test Method for Static

Evaluation of Glenoid Locking Mechanism in Shear.

Shoulder Glenoid Loosening 

ASTM F 2028: Standard Test Methods for Dynamic Evaluation

of Glenoid Loosening or Disassociation.

Shoulder Implant Wear Test

Customized test

Shoulder Implant Requirements

ISO 21534:Non-active Surgical Implants- Joint replacement

Implants- Particular Requirements

Finger Joint implants

Finger Joint Specification
ASTM F 1781: Standard Specification for Elastomeric Flexible

 Hinge Finger Total Joint Implants.

Finger Joint Wear Test
Customized test

Finger Implant Requirements
ISO 21534:Non-active Surgical Implants- Joint replacement

 Implants- Particular Requirements

Ankle  Joint implants

Ankle Replacement Wear Test

ISO 22622:  Implants for surgery - Wear of total ankle-joint

prostheses - Loading and displacement parameters for wear-testing

 machines with load or displacement control and corresponding

environmental conditions for test 

Ankle Joint Specification

ASTM F 2665: Standard Specification for Total Ankle Replacement


Ankel Implant Requirements

ISO 21534:Non-active Surgical Implants- Joint replacement

 Implants- Particular Requirements

Elbow Joint implants

Standard Specification for Total Elbow Prostheses

ASTM F 2887: Standard Specification for Total Elbow Prostheses.

Elbow Implant Requirements

ISO 21534:Non-active Surgical Implants- Joint replacement

Implants- Particular Requirements

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               Other Joints lmplants                Universal Joint Simulator                                Product Optimizatiom                                         Cooperation Expert

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